Thursday, November 22, 2007

The Artist in Me

I am also a photographer. I took photography for 3 years in high school and the first 2 years I really hated it. I hated doing the stupid assignments and all that. Whenever I was given an assignment over the weekend I would always end up doing it right before class on Monday and just take shots of anything I could. Everything always came out very average and stupid. But everyone else did this too. I continued taking photo because it was easy and the teacher was chill. In my 3rd year of photography the photo III students were mixed in with a photo 2 class. There were only a few photo III students and out teacher really let us loose. He didn't really care what we were doing as long as we were working. In this class I discovered a new side of me...the artist in me that I was sure did not exist. I started shooting candid photos of my toddler cousins and, to be honest, they were beautiful. I love it. I loved shooting the photos and developing them in the dark room. Working in the dark room was such an escape for was so peaceful and I could just lose myself in the calm solitary environment (since I was really the only person in the class that loved to be in there). With the arrival and 'take-over' of digital photography this time in the darkroom is lost. Sad. It is really what I love most about photography. After graduation I got out of photography as I really didn't have access to a darkroom. I inherited a sweet Nikon 35mm SLR camera from my grandfather with a handful of lenses and I started playing around with it a little. I took it to the Women's College World Series with me and experimented with sports photography. Unfortunately I could not develop these myself but I got some really great shots still. I have started shooting at Terps games now and am getting some great results also. I will post them. My next step is the move to digital. I am scared and intimidated and am not ready to accept the new artistic style that digital photography is. When it comes to things like this I am a total traditionalist. But I think I'm getting ready to go for it. Before I know it people aren't going to be doing film work at all anymore. ::Sigh::

Monday, November 12, 2007

Out of Jail

FINALLY!! After what seems like forever I have a little 'break' from exams! This semester is kicking my butt and I can't wait until it is over. 35 days and counting. But I got my orgo exam back today, which I swore I failed...I was seriously expecting a 45%..and I got an 84%!!!! Hallelujah!
And BASKETBALL SEASON HAS OFFICIALLY STARTED!!!!! Seriously, that is a true love of mine - well, let's clarify - WOMEN'S basketball. I think because of this it was fate that I ended up at Maryland. I have found a home being a women's basketball fan. And at Maryland I have met a bunch of other people who love it just as much as I do. We call ourselves Brenda's Bullies and we are the most loyal 'student' fans alive. I say 'student' in quotes because the majority of the Bullies are actually alumni...still their mid 20s most of them, but there are really only a few true students that attend. Sad. You would think that arguably the most talented women's basketball team in the country would attract some student fans. Nope. They are all too busy cheering for the men's team - that has sucked big time the since they won the national championship in 2001. WHATEVER. Women's basketball is great because it is so personal. The smaller group makes it more special. And you really feel like you are connected with the team and make a difference. They are a great group of kids and you really fall in love with them. They are your team and you stand by them.
So women's basketball has been my escape in college. When life sucks, school blows, you feel like the stupidest person on the planet and you're never going to be good enough you can go to a game and feel at home again. Feel the love. Go terps!